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Fixed Reduced resource usage for scaled images. Fixed Show DOM Properties context menu item in inspector. Developer Added support for the EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension. Developer Network Monitor: New request/response headers view (more info). Developer Computed view: Nodes matching the hovered selector are now highlighted. Developer Support for inspecting ::before and ::after pseudo elements. HTML5 Added support for the CSS Font Loading API. HTML5 Changed JavaScript 'let' semantics to conform better to the ES6 specification. New Improved high quality image resizing performance. New Improved handling of dynamic styling changes to increase responsiveness. Mozilla firefox 35.0.1 download mac os x#
New Built-in support for H264 (MP4) on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) and newer through native APIs.New Access the Firefox Marketplace from the Tools menu and optional toolbar button.New search UI improved and enabled for more locales.New Firefox Hello with new rooms-based conversations model.Fixed 35.0.1 - CSP had a change in behavior with regard to case sensitivity resources loading (1122445).Fixed 35.0.1 - With a Right-to-left (RTL) version of Firefox, the text selection could be broken (1104036).Fixed 35.0.1 - document.baseURI did not get updated to document.location after base tag was removed from DOM for site with a CSP (1121857).
Fixed 35.0.1 - On Godaddy webmail, Firefox could crash (1113121). Fixed 35.0.1 - SVG / CSS animation had a regression causing rendering issues on websites like (1083079). Fixed 35.0.1 - Kerberos authentication did not work with alias (1108971). Fixed 35.0.1 - Fix a potential startup crash (1122367). Fixed 35.0.1 - With the Enhanced Steam extension, Firefox could crash (1123732). Webroot® Legacy Products (2011 and Prior) 33. Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ - Antivirus for PC Gamers 552. Webroot® Security Awareness Training 38. Webroot® Business Endpoint Protection 1117. Mozilla firefox 35.0.1 download for android#
Webroot Mobile Security for Android 929.Webroot® Consumer/Business - for Macs 364.Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ - Complete 3810.Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ - Internet Security Plus 2462.Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ - Antivirus 6944.